Your Courageous Life VIP September Retreat
Ladies, we’re so excited to see you again LIVE in September for our fall retreat in St. George, UT. We have the event details and booking information below. Please note, the deadline to book your room is Monday, July 5, 2021.
Event Dates: Friday, September 10 2021 – Sunday, September 12, 2021. Please be ready to start on Friday morning by 7:30-8a local time. We will wrap-up by 5p local time on Sunday.
You will need to call the reservation desk at 877-246-4453 to book your room. Please reference the Living Courageously Elite Retreat to get our room rate.
Room rates are as follows:
Double Occupancy $292*
Single Occupancy $348*
*The room rate includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, with the except of your check-in day. Dinner will be the only meal included that day.
If you are looking to share a room with another lady, please post in MN! Additional details will be sent out closer to the event dates, including pre-work and final details.